Laminate Floors - EPI, France

Laminated Flooring is becoming increasingly popular chiefly due to its intrinsic properties: it is hardwearing and resistant to light and to pressure from high heels. Is appreciated for its two extra benefits - its low - long term maintenance and its extraordinary ability to adapt to changing fashions. We are sure that our top-quality state-of-the-art flooring, with its new patterns, will offer you all the possibilities you need.


As their punch line goes : For A Generation With A Wider Vision -EPI offers a visually - striking, quality - driven laminate flooring. Broadly classified into "Trendy" & "Classic" range - available in different thicknesses starting from 7mm going upto 14mm. It is a perfect solution for Residential, Commercial & Public areas. We have a wide range to suit various applications and to achieve different aesthetic look. The choice of 60 exotic decors gives you our discerning client a perfect flooring option.